An Atom Is

An Atom Is

Take anything apart andyou'll find something smaller inside. There are engines inside cars,pips inside apples, hearts and lungs inside people, and stuffinginside teddy bears. But what happens if you keep going? If you keeptaking things apart, you'll eventually, find that all How big is an atom

Atoms are mostly empty space. Zoom install on mac. The nucleus of an atom is extremely dense and contains nearly all of the mass of each atom. Electrons contribute very little mass to the atom (it takes 1,836 electrons to equal the size of a proton) and orbit so far away from the nucleus that each atom is 99.9% empty space. An atom can be considered unstable in one of two ways. If it picks up or loses an electron, it becomes electrically charged and highly reactive. Such electrically charged atoms are known as ions. Instability can also occur in the nucleus when the number of protons and neutrons is unbalanced. An atom a fundamental piece of matter. (Matter is anything that can be touched physically.) Everything in the universe (except energy) is made of matter, and, so, everything in the universe is made of atoms. An atom itself is made up of three tiny kinds of particles called.

matterAn Atom IsAn atom is electrically neutral because(all the 'stuff' that surrounds us) is made fromdifferent typesof atoms. Living things, for example, are mostly made from the atomscarbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. These are just three of over 100Atomchemical elements

An Atom Is The Smallest Unit Of

that scientists havediscovered. Otherelements include metals such as copper, tin, iron andgold, and gaseslike hydrogen and helium. You can make virtually anything you canthink of by joining atoms of different elements together like tinyLEGO®blocks.

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