Apache Web Server comes pre-installed with the full LAMP stack (Apache Web Server, PHP, MySQL, PHPMyadmin) on Cent OS Server. This Apache Web Server also comes pre-installed with phpMyadmin, allowing you to administer your databases via web GUI (managing databases, tables, columns, relations, indexes, users, permissions, etc).
- You can install apache on AWS. APACHE IS software 如果您需要无限流量或者1G 带宽的511 ips 美国快速SEO服务器,请联系我。 US SEO Server with.
- On cloud9, Apache was installed and configured by default. On AWS, Apache is not properly configured, you have to manually configure the server. This page presents a step by step guide. The following has been tested on a freshly AWS EC2 Cloud9 environment with the following versions.
- The web server runs on an Amazon EC2 instance using Amazon Linux, and the MySQL database is an MySQL DB instance. Both the Amazon EC2 instance and the DB instance run in a virtual private cloud (VPC) based on the Amazon VPC service.
In this article I cover how to install Apache HTTP Server into Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
This article is part 2 of a series on how to create a Tomcat server in AWS. In part 1 we created an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server in AWS EC2. We now add Apache HTTP Server as a front-end for Tomcat.
When discussing reasons why you should have an Apache Web Server as a front-end to Tomcat, people usually talk about load balancing, fast serving of static content, enhanced security and so forth. These are all good reasons. My main reason though is that I want to serve custom-branded pages even when Tomcat is down.
Apache is a very mature software. You can make life marginally more difficult for yourself by trying to install a specific version. Or you can just take the easy option and install the version packaged with the Ubuntu. I choose to embrace the lazy pragmatist within, so I’ve gone for the latter.
This installs Apache to the /etc/apache2 directory. You can check what version is installed using:
With Apache installed, you can immediately test it by confirming that its default page is accessible at the Public IP or domain name of your server.
Remove Default Virtual Host
OK, we’ve seen the default Apache web page for long enough. Time to get rid of it. If you actually took the time to read the default page, the following command will make sense.
Static Content
We need to create a directory to hold the static content for our site. It seems the Apache convention is to make a sub-directory in /var/www
What you will want to put in here is entirely up to you. For the purposes of my example, I’m going to put just one HTML file.
With trivial contents.
For a real site, you would build a rather more impressive page.
![Web Web](https://scoreintl.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/90eda2b7_af40_416a_bb51_5eefd55b115e_c5f1c794-3510-43d4-8b84-8a9f22520f21.jpg)
Proxy AJP
Although Tomcat isn’t installed yet, let’s jump right in and enable Apache’s Proxy AJP module. We will use it to forward requests to Tomcat in the next article.
Virtual Host
Now we need to create a so-called virtual host for our website. For the purposes of this post, we’ll cover just a HTTP (port 80) virtual host file. HTTPS (port 443) is covered later in the series.
I elect to create a common file that can be shared, eventually, by both the HTTP and HTTPS virtual host configurations.
With contents:
The DocumentRoot element sets the root to the static content directory we created earlier.
Apache Web Server Versions
The ErrorLog and CustomLog elements can be almost anything you want. What I have done is quite conventional.
I have told Apache to pass all requests through to Tomcat, except for requests to /error.html. All requests to Tomcat, and responses from it, are handled by the Proxy AJP module we enabled earlier.
If Tomcat is down (or not installed), we expect the AJP request to return a 503 (Service Unavailable). In that case, Apache will serve /error.html.
With the common file in place, we can now create the HTTP (port 80) virtual host file.
With contents:
The virtual host can then be enabled.
Instruct Apache to reload its settings.
And if we surf now to the Public IP or domain name, voila, we see the error page. This is because Tomcat is not yet installed, so all the Proxy AJP forwards fail. Therefore we will get this error page served for any URI.
Please remember, you can make your custom error document look a lot better than my trivial example.
In the references, I include links to guides on how to harden an Apache installation. Most of the advice is already incorporated in a default installation of Apache Web Server in Ubuntu. What follows is a couple of steps I recommend.
Server Signature
If we didn’t have a custom error document, Apache would serve the following page when Tomcat was down (or not installed). This would reveal details, such as server version, that can give an attacker a head start.
To get rid of this signature from default pages, we need to edit the security configuration.
And disable the the ServerSignature.
Server Tokens
Even with the ServerSignature off, responses from Apache still report the server version in the HTTP response header. This can be viewed using Firefox or Chrome web development tools. Microsoft word for macbook air free download full version.
To remove this, again edit the security configuration.
And set ServerTokens to the least revealing setting.
This tutorial explains about Apache HTTP Server( Apache Web Server) Installation. Let us learn about what Apache HTTP Server is and how to install and configure it on a Linux Machine.
Apache http Server
Apache is a very well known open-source Web Server. It is not only popular but also very old Web Server. Like any other Web Servers, Apache also accepts requests from the clients, search for the requested queries and then send the response back to them. Boot macbook air from usb.
Also Read : How to install Anaconda on Linux
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Apache HTTP Server Installation
Step 1- Update your Linux Box
$ yum update -y
Step 2- Install Apache Web Server
$ yum install httpd -y
Step 3- Start httpd service
$ service httpd start
Step 5- check the httpd service status
$ service httpd status
Step 6- Run chkconfig command to run the httpd service automatically after a system reboot
$ chkconfig httpd on Adobe premiere pro cc 2019 mac torrent.
Step 7- To browse website from the Internet, open port 80 for http and 443 for https in your Server firewall , Network Firewall and Security Group (If using AWS or any other cloud service)
Now your Apache-Server is installed and ready.
Configuring Apache HTTP Server
Let us understand the ApacheHtTTPServer step by step from basic to advanced.
As soon as your installation is done and port is opened in the security group, without doing any configuration change just enter the public IP in the web browser of any computer. You will see the default page as shown below.
To access the server from your domain name, create A record for your web server in your DNS zone configuration.If you are not managing your DNS Server please take help of your DNS team/IT Team to do so.
I have created A record for my domain as follows:
devopsmyway.in ————–> IP Address of my Server.
Now I can browse the Apache Web Server from my domain name i.e devopsmyway.in. The same test page will come as I did not change any configuration yet.
Basic Configuration of Apache HTTP Server
Let’s do some basic changes to open your Web Server (Web Site) as per your configuration.
Create an index.html file in “/var/www/html” directory and write some content in this to serve in the web browser. I am using echo command here to create and write content in index.html.
$ echo “Hello , Welcome to Devopsmyway.in ” > /var/www/html/index.html
Apache Web Server Aws
As soon as you create and write content in index.html file in Document Directory“/var/www/html” your website will start serving the content written in index.html.
Now we have done the basic configuration of Apache Web Server. Let us move ahead and learn some advanced settings.
Virtual Host
Virtual host comes into picture when you want to host multiple Websites on a Single Server. Virtual host are of two types:
- Name-based virtual host
- IP based virtual host
Name-based Virtual Host
Name-based Virtual Host is used to configure multiple websites on a Single Server having a single IP Address. To configure Name-based Virtual hosts we need to do configuration changes in Apache Configuration file.
Apache Configuration file : /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
Let us configure two websites www.devopsmyway.in and www.devopsmyway.net on the same Server with same IP address. To do so , open /etc/http/conf/httpd.conf and add the following lines at the bottom of the file.
$ vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/devopsmyway.in
ServerName www.devopsmyway.in
ErrorLog logs/www.devopsmywa.in-error_log
CustomLog logs/www.devopsmyway.in-access_log common
ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/devopsmyway.net
ServerName www.devopsmyway.net
ErrorLog logs/www.devopsmyway.net-error_log
CustomLog logs/www.devopsmyway.net-access_log common
Now Create to Directories as follows:
$ mkdir -p /var/www/html/devopmyway.net
$ mkdir -p /var/www/html/devopmyway.in
Create index.html file in each folder and add some content in it.
$ echo “Hello , Welcome to Devopsmyway.in ” > /var/www/html/devopsmyway.in/index.html
$ echo “Hello , Welcome to Devopsmyway.net ” > /var/www/html/devopsmyway.net/index.html
Now check the configuration and restart the httpd service
$ httpd -t
$ service httpd restart
Note: If you donot have two websites in Public DNS , you can do host entry in /etc/hosts on the same server as follows for testing
Now you will able to browse both the URL.
IP based virtual host
IP bases virtual host is used to configure multiple websites on a Single Server with multiple IP Addresses. To configure IP-based Virtual hosts we need to do the following configuration changes in the Apache configuration file.
Apache Web Server Aws Tutorial
Let us configure two websites www.devopsmyway.in and www.devopsmyway.net on the same Server on two IP addresses. To do so , open /etc/http/conf/httpd.conf and add the following lines at the bottom of the file.
Apache Web Server Aws Download
ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/devopsmyway.in
ServerName www.devopsmyway.in
ErrorLog logs/www.devopsmywa.in-error_log
CustomLog logs/www.devopsmyway.in-access_log common
ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/devopsmyway.net
ServerName www.devopsmyway.net
ErrorLog logs/www.devopsmyway.net-error_log
CustomLog logs/www.devopsmyway.net-access_log common
Again check your configuration, restart the httpd service and browse both the sites using the curl command.
Apache Web Server Aws Server
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and learned to launch Apache http Server on AWS . If you think this is really helpful, please do share my website https://devopsmyway.com to others as well. I will continue for the tutorial for Apache in my next blog. Also, please give your valuable feedback in the comment box.
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